Histamine Hysterics: Stitching a Colorful Tapestry of Low-Histamine Life

Please note that while I strive to share accurate and helpful information, the content shared on this blog should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Hello to all you lovely folks out there in the low-histamine world!

Do you remember the classic fairy tale, 'The Princess and the Pea'? Where the princess couldn’t sleep because of a tiny pea placed beneath a pile of mattresses she had to sleep on? Well, I sometimes feel like I'm living my own version of that fairy tale, and the tiny pea is histamine, causing all sorts of ruckus in my peaceful life. Except that my kingdom happens to be my kitchen, and my loyal subjects are an arsenal of carefully selected fruits and veggies.

Life since my histamine intolerance diagnosis has been an adventure filled with unexpected twists and turns, and I'll tell you one thing – it's never dull around here. My home is like a detective novel where I'm Agatha Christie, carefully analyzing every food item that walks through my door, like a suspicious character with possible hidden agendas.

And let me tell you, onions? They're the Moriarty of my detective cases, full of deception and high histamine content. Always pretending to be innocent, but wreaking havoc if they slip into my homemade stews.

Now, onto today's newsletter - I've been meaning to share with you that I finally replaced my worn-out apron with a vibrant one, embellished with the fruits and veggies that have been my loyal sidekicks on this journey. Every time I see it, I'm reminded that even though this low-histamine life might sometimes feel like navigating a pancake flipper through a minefield of food sensitivities, it can also be filled with color, laughter, and yes, a great deal of yummy food.

Intolerant to histamine? Sure! Intolerant to living a vibrant happy life? Never!

While we're at it, let me share another helpful tip — Instead of focusing on what your diet can't include, spend your energy celebrating what it can. That means turning a blind eye to the eggplant sulking in the corner and setting your sights on the quinoa, bubbling away on the stove. It's not only about avoiding high-histamine foods but embracing and experimenting with low-histamine choices. Believe me, this simple reframing has been an absolute game-changer for me and a handful of my readers who have reached out saying they tried it.

Anyway, that's enough rambling from your resident low-histamine queen. I'd love to write more of these personal updates more often – it helps to share, and it reminds us all that none of us are dealing with this histamine hullabaloo alone. Plus, laughter is the best antihistamine – believe me, I've tried it!

In the words of the late, great Julia Child, "Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." So here's to being passionate about our low-histamine lives, not despite but because of its peculiarities!

Enjoy your low histamine day,

Your Matilda.
