Histamine Therapy: The Cherry Whooped My Histamine’s Asset

Please note that while I strive to share accurate and helpful information, the content shared on this blog should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Hello and top of the histamine-less morning to you, my dear readers! Today, I have a hilarious story to share with you... Okay, maybe not hilarious, but funny enough if you’ve ever had an epic showdown with a meticulously well-hidden histamine bomb.

It was a lovely spring afternoon, the sun gracing us with its warm rays of light, birds chirping melodiously and my appetite was a-roaring. In the pursuit of satiating my hunger with something delicious yet low-histamine, I reached for what I thought was my friendly neighborhood fruit - a bright, luscious cherry. But alas, little did I know, I was about to enter the Histamine Intolerance Hunger Games.

Now, for our histamine intolerant friends, food choices can sometimes feel like navigating a minefield. One false move and...BOOM! Hello, red face and sneezy afternoon. Picture me, our brave heroine, naively biting into that cherry with all the innocence of a lamb frolicking in daisy fields. This specific cherry, my dear friends, wasn't as innocent as it looked. It was a histamine bomb in disguise and it pulled an asset whooping on me.

Now, at this point, those without histamine intolerance might be scratching their heads. After all, who in their right mind would suspect a cherry of being a villain? Ha! Welcome to the thrilling world of low-histamine life. That cherry had me puffing and sneezing like I was auditioning for a role in a cartoon.

But don't worry, my fellow histamine-warriors, our story does not end in tragedy. In this tale of sneezes and sniffles, our brave heroine fought back. Yes, though Histamine tried to knock me down, I had the upper hand!

Here's the good news: We are not slaves to histamine's mischievous nature. We have the tools, the knowledge, and the power to tackle this issue. So what did I do in the face of my cherry-induced histamine attack? I practiced the age-old wisdom of 'Sneeze and let it be'. And then, I made myself a lovely bowl of cucumber and chicken salad.

A parting wisdom for all my histamine warriors out there - Knowledge is power. The more you know about your triggers, the better you'll manage your diet. Always read labels, and when in doubt, opt for fresh, minimally processed foods. Remember, each person may have different triggers, so it's important to keep track of what works for you.

Always be ready with Plan-B(istamine). Make sure there's a low-histamine snack on hand when your hunger strikes. It can be anything from a fresh fruit (yeah, not cherry please) to a delicious smoothie.

Let's brave the histamine-intolerance storm together, and remember, not all cherries wear capes but all histamine-warriors like us, do!

Enjoy your low histamine day, Your Matilda
