Histamines: Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!

Please note that while I strive to share accurate and helpful information, the content shared on this blog should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.


Hey fabulous folks! Another day, another histamine horror story, am I right? Just kidding! Well, half-kidding. Let's be real, histamine intolerance can turn you into a full-blown Sherlock Holmes, inspecting each piece of food like it's a suspect in a crime scene. "Are you a histamine culprit?–I'm watching you!". Oh dearie, the things we do for a peaceful tummy!

The Unwanted Dinner Guest: Histamine

Let me set the scene: picture yourself hosting a lovely dinner party. Your table is set, the music is playing, and then Histamine shows up uninvited—rude! You know Histamine, right? Always the life wrecker taking pleasure as you balloon up for absolutely no reason at all. Yes, Histamine is that bad boy we'd rather stay away to enjoy our evenings in peace and our facial features un-puffed!

The Great Histameanies of our Daily Food

Now, I’ve spent countless hours in supermarket aisles, turning each product to its side, perusing every ingredient list (a habit that has gained me a few strange looks), and the results? Oh, you wouldn't believe! It turns out our innocent-looking daily foods are passing histamine-laced notes under the table. Who would have thought? The roast chicken is in league with Histamine, the cheddar cheese slowly betraying you and spinach? More like Spin-Histamine!

My Defense Strategy

I’ve found some handy-dandy ways to slay the histameany dragon in my meals, and gosh darn it, you can too! First things first, let's arm you with the ultimate weapon: Knowledge. Learn those foods that are high in histamine and steer clear. Some of the major suspects? Aged cheeses, fermented food (Hello Kimchi, I’m looking at you), alcohol, and tinned fish. Bet you didn’t know about the last one! Tinned fish are histamine ticking bombs.

Secondly, remember to pack your meals with fresh fruits and veggies, some lean meat, and a side of books on histamine intolerance. Knowledge is power, my dear! But watch out for histamine-releasing fruits like citrus.


And lo and behold, armed with this information, we, the histamine warriors can win the battle against unwelcome mealtime invaders. Hold your forks high and wave them in the air, let Histamine know it has a fight on its hands!

Remember, we're not just surviving, we're thriving. After all, who really invited Histamine to our fabulous dinner party in the first place? Not me, darling!

Enjoy your low histamine day, Your Matilda
