Humor Me with Low Histamine

Please note that while I strive to share accurate and helpful information, the content shared on this blog should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Ahoy comrade low-histamine tribe members! Time to take a break from our regular food lists, symptoms analyses, and fortress-like avoidance of the wine and cheese aisle. Today is all about greeting histamine intolerance with a smile, a laugh, and my tender loving advice peppered with some giggles. After all, laughter is the best medicine (unless you are lactose intolerant, then it might be lactaid)!

Let’s start with the basics. What do histamine intolerance and a bad date have in common? They both make you wish you'd stayed at home with a good book and a cup of herbal tea! It’s a funny comparison, but there’s wisdom tucked into that chuckle. The personal lesson here is that it’s okay to respect what your body is saying, and sometimes that’s just, "Nah... not going out tonight!"

Next let's explore how cooking becomes an adventure with histamine intolerance. "Doctor says I need to cook low-histamine. Great, guess I'll just throw in a handful of...air?" Seriously though, who knew starting on a low-histamine diet would turn my kitchen into a masterclass test with both ‘elimination’ and ‘reintroduction’ rounds! But there's a silver lining: the playful creativity to match my favourite food tastes with low histamine substitutes.

For instance, my beloved tomato sauce is chilling out in the high-histamine VIP lounge. So, I had to invite her less hot cousin, Butternut Squash puree to join my pasta party. And, congratulations to me, I've become the most experimental cook I know! The personal sense of accomplishment is really something, folks.

Last but never the least, the art of food label reading. Would you believe the histamine in foods sometimes plays a better hide-and-seek game than my niece at Christmas family gathering! And she hides in the oddest places (both the histamine and my niece). So, dear friends, my magnifying glass and I keep hunting hidden histamine in those tiny ingredient lists. Keep it high, keep it low, but keep it informed.

We’ve had some fun here, a chuckle there, all the while turning our histamine journeys into a triumph. Embrace the giggles, inhale the strength, and transform your path into the most vibrant, low-histamine journey ever. Remember, every challenge is just an opportunity to delight in your own resourcefulness!

Enjoy your low histamine day,

Your Matilda
