Nailing the Grocery Shopping Game with a Low Histamine Diet

Please note that while I strive to share accurate and helpful information, the content shared on this blog should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

If you're like me, then grocery shopping with histamine intolerance can feel more like trying to solve a Rubik's cube in a labyrinth. You get to the store, ready to fight the "high histamine" dragon, and suddenly you're surrounded by aisles upon aisles of forbidden (albeit, tasty) foodstuff casualties. But fear not, fellow histamine warriors, I've got some tips to help you sleuth your way through the aisles like a pro.

First things first, always keep your histamine shield up - which is a fancy way of saying don't go shopping on an empty stomach. Because, believe me, everything seems low histamine when your stomach is doing a rendition of a howling wolf. I’ve been there, done that, and ended up with a basket full of, surprise, high-histamine goodies.

Also, remember that flash frozen is your friend. Flash-frozen fruits and veggies are often less histamine producing than their fresh counterparts. Plus, let's be real, the strawberries may look picture-perfect but could be aging faster than a Hollywood starlet.

Now, let's talk about the daunting dairy aisle. Let's just say, it's like walking through a longer version of 'The Bachelor' show, where you need to choose the right partner. Here's a secret - always go for the fresh, young products - fresh milk, young cheeses (think ricotta, mozzarella). Because, much like the 'The Bachelor', the older options can bring a whole lot of drama you just don't need.

Moving on to the deli section. Ah, the land of hanging hams and exotic sausages. Lovely to look at, but these cured meats are hotbeds of histamines. It's kind of like the handsome, bad boy - sure, he’s tempting, but you know he’s not good for you. In such situations, remember my simple mantra - If it's cured, ensure it’s not endured!

And as for wine, my lovely vino aficionados, sorry to break it to ya, but most wines are histamine factories getting jiggy in a bottle. Hydrate with H2O, and if it's a special occasion, look for low histamine wines or go for clear distilled spirits.

Remember, it's not about denying delights, but about making smart choices that allow us to enjoy life without histamine hangovers. Wield your newfound grocery shopping superpowers wisely, and you’ll be nailing the low histamine shopping game.

Enjoy your low histamine day, Your Matilda
