Stella, the creator of this recipe, was a working mom who needed to juggle hectic schedules without compromising her family's health. Specifically, her son had histamine intolerance, which prompted her to curate a diet that is low in histamine. Her love of pancakes led her to conceive this recipe of Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes, which her family attest are not just healthy but incredibly delicious!
These Blueberry Quinoa Pancakes are low histamine as they are based on ingredients that do not release histamine: quinoa, oat flour, fresh blueberries, eggs, almond milk, and moderate amount of cinnamon. They substitute common high histamine ingredients such as citrus fruits or strawberries, providing a low histamine but equally delicious alternative for breakfast.
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Always look for firm, plump and full blueberries with a uniform hue for the best taste and texture.
Cooking on moderate heat ensures the pancakes become golden brown on the outside while being fully cooked on the inside.
Try with different toppings like a sprinkle of powdered cinnamon, a dollop of Greek yogurt (if tolerated), or a drizzle of honey for added taste and texture.
Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.