This soup was developed by a wellness enthusiast looking for a hearty, nutritious meal that wouldn't trigger her histamine intolerance. She found the comforting qualities and subtle flavors of carrots and zucchini made a perfect combination, resulting in a soup she enjoys any time she needs a warm, soothing meal.
This soup is ideal for a low histamine diet because it uses fresh, low-histamine ingredients like carrots and zucchini. The homemade broth ensures no hidden histamine liberators are added, unlike in many commercial broths. Plus, the gentle cooking process aids in easy digestion.
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This soup is all about the fresh flavors of the carrots and zucchini. Using fresh, ripe vegetables will give the soup the best taste and texture.
Don't skip the step where you saute the onions, garlic, carrots, and zucchinis. Sauteing these ingredients helps to release their flavors and makes the soup more delicious.
Using low-sodium broth allows you to control the saltiness of the soup. You can always add more salt later if needed, but it's difficult to correct a soup that's become too salty.
The final texture of the soup depends on how well you puree it. If you prefer a completely smooth soup, blend it for longer. If you like a bit of texture, blend it less.
Consider adding a garnish before serving. A sprinkle of fresh herbs or some whole grain croutons can add both flavor and visual appeal. Be sure to use low-histamine options for those with histamine sensitivities.
This soup stores well in the refrigerator for up to 5 days and can also be frozen. Reheat gently over medium heat until hot, stirring occasionally to keep the texture smooth.
Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.