Golden Turmeric Latte

The creator of this recipe, living with histamine intolerance, sought to recreate the comforting experience of sipping on a latte without the common triggers found in coffee. Experimenting with various spices and milk alternatives, she discovered the Golden Turmeric Latte, which quickly became her favorite beverage.

Golden Turmeric Latte

  • Prep Time5 minutes
  • Cook Time10 minutes
  • Servings1 Person

Why suitable for low histanmine diet

This beverage is suitable for a low-histamine diet as it utilizes ingredients like almond milk, turmeric, and ginger which are typically low in histamine. It's a delightful alternative to coffee, which can be a common histamine trigger. Please remember to adjust the recipe according to your personal tolerance.


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  • 0In a small saucepan, combine almond milk, turmeric, ground ginger, and vanilla extract.
  • 1Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer over medium heat, stirring frequently.
  • 2Once hot, remove the saucepan from heat and whisk in honey or maple syrup for sweetness.
  • 3Pour your Golden Turmeric Latte into a mug and enjoy it hot.


Choosing Turmeric

Opt for organic, high-quality turmeric powder for the best flavor and health benefits. Turmeric should have a vibrant orange-yellow color and a distinct, earthy aroma.

Using Ground Ginger

Ensure your ground ginger is fresh for the best flavor. Ground spices can lose their potency over time, so replace them every 6-12 months.

Adding Sweetness

Maple syrup provides a subtle, natural sweetness to the latte. You can adjust the quantity to your preference. Honey or agave syrup can be used as alternatives.

Heating the Latte

Ensure you heat the mixture gently on medium heat to prevent the almond milk from burning or forming a skin. Stir frequently for even heat distribution.

Serving Suggestions

Serve your Golden Turmeric Latte hot, ideally in a cozy mug. It's a great beverage for a calm evening or a cold day. For added aesthetic, sprinkle a little extra turmeric or ginger on top.

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories80
  • Protein1g
  • Carbs15g
  • Fat2g
  • Fiber1g

Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.
