The Low-Histamine Blueberry Smoothie Bowl was created by an innovative chef who herself suffered from histamine intolerance. Always chasing the dream of colorful, tasty, and healthy breakfast options, she experimented with various fruits and alternative milk options. Her experimentation led to the creation of this delightful meal, which became a staple in her daily routine and a popular choice for her conscious clientele.
This Blueberry Smoothie Bowl is perfect for a low histamine diet as it excludes any high-histamine fruits or other ingredients known to contain histamine or act as histamine liberators. Blueberries, bananas, chia seeds, and oats are all known to be low in histamine and the almond milk provides a dairy-free alternative.
All the ingredients with the Amazon Fresh logo can be delivered within 2 hours. Just click on the ingredients and get it.
For an extra creamy and chilled smoothie bowl, consider freezing your bananas ahead of time.
If you prefer a thinner or thicker smoothie, adjust the almond milk quantity accordingly.
Feel free to experiment with other low-histamine toppings that you enjoy, while ensuring they are suitable to your diet.
Fruits that are overly ripe can have higher histamine levels. Choose fruits that are just ripe.
Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.