This recipe was created by a professional chef who, after being diagnosed with histamine intolerance, sought to recreate his favorite meals in a way that would not trigger his symptoms. The Sunshine Quinoa Salad was one of his early experiments and has remained a favorite for its satisfying texture, flavors, and the way it makes him feel energized and well-nourished.
This recipe is specifically designed for a low histamine diet. Quinoa, fresh vegetables like cucumbers, bell peppers, corn, and carrots are all naturally low in histamine. The dressing, made of olive oil and apple cider vinegar, avoids common histamine liberators often found in commercial dressings. It's an excellent choice for anyone managing their histamine intake.
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Quinoa is a great grain for low histamine diets as it is not only low in histamines, but also packed with protein and fiber. Rinse quinoa well before cooking to remove any bitterness from the saponins in its outer layer.
Always opt for the freshest vegetables to minimize histamine levels. Dice them into uniform pieces for a consistent bite and visual appeal.
Apple cider vinegar is a safer choice for a low-histamine diet compared to other vinegars. Make sure you choose a good quality apple cider vinegar for the best flavor.
The Sunshine Quinoa Salad can be enjoyed either chilled or at room temperature. If you're not eating it immediately, store the salad in the fridge to keep histamine levels low.
Feel free to swap out or add any low-histamine veggies you prefer or have on hand. Just remember to avoid high-histamine vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, and eggplant.
As with all low-histamine meals, consume leftovers within 24 hours and keep them in the fridge in an airtight container.
Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.