Vanilla and Almond Quinoa Pudding

This dessert was created by a nutritionist who specialized in the low histamine diet. She wanted to create a creamy, comforting dessert that was not only delicious, but also friendly for those with histamine intolerance. The result was this Vanilla and Almond Quinoa Pudding, a dessert she regularly enjoys with her family and clients alike.

Vanilla and Almond Quinoa Pudding

  • Prep Time5 minutes
  • Cook Time30 minutes
  • Servings1 Person

Why suitable for low histanmine diet

This Vanilla and Almond Quinoa Pudding is well suited for a low histamine diet. It uses low-histamine ingredients such as quinoa, almond milk, and almond butter, and adds flavor with universally tolerated spices like vanilla and cinnamon. The recipe avoids high histamine and histamine liberating foods, making it a safe and delicious dessert option.


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  • 0Rinse the quinoa well under cold water.
  • 1In a medium pot, combine the quinoa, almond milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and cinnamon.
  • 2Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce to a simmer covered.
  • 3Simmer for 25-30 minutes until quinoa is tender and the mixture has thickened into a pudding-like consistency.
  • 4Stir in the almond butter until fully incorporated.
  • 5Serve warm topped with sliced almonds.


Properly Rinse Quinoa

Be sure to rinse quinoa well under running water using a fine mesh strainer. This helps to remove the natural coating, called saponin, which can give a bitter taste if not properly rinsed off.

Adjust Sweetener

Feel free to adjust the amount of maple syrup based on your preferred sweetness level. You can also substitute it with honey or any other natural sweetener.

Wait for the Right Consistency

The pudding will thicken up significantly near the end of the cooking time. Be patient and wait until it achieves a creamy, pudding-like consistency.

Check for Doneness

The quinoa should be tender once the pudding is done. If it's still a bit crunchy, you can continue cooking for a few more minutes.

Serve Warm or Cold

This pudding tastes amazing served warm but you can also chill it in the fridge and serve it cold. It's delicious either way!

Sprinkle some Love

Garnish with a sprinkle of sliced almonds for a delightful crunch that contrasts the creamy pudding beautifully.

Storage and Reheating

Leftovers can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 3 days. You can reheat the pudding in the microwave, adding a little extra almond milk if needed.

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories310
  • Protein10g
  • Carbs40g
  • Fat10g
  • Fiber6g

Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.
