Vanilla Ginger Poached Pears

The person who came up with this recipe is an expert in nutrition and histamine-free diets. Her challenge was to create a sophisticated dessert that didn't contain any high-histamine ingredients. After several experiments, she discovered the magic combination of fresh pears, ginger and vanilla. Delighted by the results, she shared this delightful dessert with others who also follow a low histamine diet.

Vanilla Ginger Poached Pears

  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Cook Time40 minutes
  • Servings1 Person

Why suitable for low histanmine diet

This Vanilla Ginger Poached Pears recipe is suitable for a low-histamine diet because it uses ingredients that are generally considered low in histamine: pears, sugar, vanilla, and ginger. It's also completely free from dairy, gluten, and other common histamine triggers.


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  • 0In a large, deep pan, combine the water, sugar, vanilla bean, and ginger.
  • 1Bring the mixture to boil, stirring constantly until the sugar is fully dissolved.
  • 2Reduce the heat to a simmer, then add the peeled pears to the pot.
  • 3Cover and let simmer for about 30 minutes or until the pears are tender when pricked with a fork.
  • 4With a slotted spoon, carefully remove the pears from the liquid and set aside.
  • 5Increase the heat and boil the liquid until it's reduced to a thick syrup.
  • 6Once the syrup is cool, remove the vanilla bean and ginger slices.
  • 7Serve the pears drizzled with syrup.


Pick the right pears

Choose pears that are just barely ripe for this recipe. Overly ripe pears will go too mushy when poached.

Removing the pears

Take care when removing the pears from the poaching liquid so they don't fall apart. Using a slotted spoon can be helpful.

Serving suggestion

Serve the poached pears as a stand-alone dessert or with a dollop of lactose-free whipped cream, if tolerated.

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories200
  • Protein1g
  • Carbs50g
  • Fat0g
  • Fiber5g

Remember that everyone's tolerance to histamine can be different, so it's important to pay attention to your body and adjust your diet accordingly. Always discuss dietary changes with a healthcare professional.
